‘Why do my dates always seem to go wrong?” “I just can’t score that second date!” “I’m a masters graduate, but I can’t seem to find a girlfriend…” As you probably may have guessed, you might have overlooked the small details that happened during your date! Simultaneously talking and chewing your food, ex-boyfriend discussions… the list goes on. Often, such small details can make or break your date. As such, 2RedBeans presents a series of videos on the dos and don’ts for your dates!
出身少年班, 从耶鲁毕业, 天使投资人, 光环加身的天才码农小哥竟然找不到女朋友? 一问才知道,原来是… 从!来!没!注!意!过!约!会!细!节! 比如…约会前没有做好形象管理… 约会的女生全程的注意力 都被一颗硕大的鼻屎吸引… 尴尬不尴尬? 可怕不可怕? 不修边幅、吃饭bia ji嘴… 各种小细节都可能把一场约会变成一场灾难 今天小红豆就给大家带来第一期: 《约会中的要与不要》示范视频 01 《约会中的要与不要之——点餐礼仪》 02 《约会中的要与不要之——用餐礼仪》 03 《约会中的要与不要之——聊天礼仪》 想学到更多姿势? 点击这里与婚恋顾问预约10分钟电话咨询
T****a是谁? Ta 是你的爱情导师,为你做出爱情中的精准判断; Ta是你的形象顾问,打造一个闪闪发光展现自我的你; Ta是你的小丘比特,为你牵线搭桥,找到你的理想伴侣。 Ta,就是两颗红豆的高端婚恋顾问。 今天,就让小红豆我为大家揭开我们才高貌美的婚恋顾问的神秘面纱!
很多人在第一次约会前不知道该做什么,担心因为自己没有把握正确的时间点而错失了可能是对的那个TA。 “什么样的地方适合第一次约会见面?” “应该提前多久做准备?” “我该主动和TA联系吗?” “是不是女生都应该被动等待?” 不用再担心,两颗红豆独家呈现约会秘籍,约会技巧战略:约会礼节已经为您准备好啦! 快点击看看吧~
May 20 is officially over. Are you still feeling stressed from being single? Fret not, Chinese Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! This coming June, Toursforfun and 2RedBeans are collaborating to organize a road trip just for singles. Be part of a group of **12 singles (**together with 2 employees from 2RedBeans and 2 designated drivers) and have tons of fun together. Time This road trip will happen just before Chinese Valentines Day!